Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Seminar Notes: Part V

You want a writing breakthrough secret? Then follow these steps.......

1. Confront the writing rather than avoid it.
   Force yourself to sit at the computer or notebook even when nothing is happening.
       A. This is usually referred to as the "battle of the first 15 minutes".
           1. Don't sit with the idea of sitting down and writing a novel. Spend 10 to 15 minutes to let your mind wander. Guide your daydreaming to flip the switch to writing down your story.
           2. Do only one scene, one chapter, etc. Short sprints only.
       B. Rules are to be strictly enforced.
          Tune out distractions!
            1. No email.
            2. No internet.
            3. No phone.
            4. No getting up.

2. Let yourself play with the idea before you begin the writing.
      A. Write scenes in different ways
      B. Play around with the characters and their traits.

3. Start writing at the point of the story where you have the best idea and feel the most comfortable.
      A. Write that kernel of a thought and then add filling.
      B. It's okay to write the beginning, jump to the end, back to the middle, and then back to the beginning.

4. Set reasonable goals and stick to them.
      A. Determine the number of pages per day or hours per day that you will write.
      B. Make it a low number at first.
          1. One hour at the beginning of the day or one hour at night.
          2. Three to five pages per day
          3. One chapter a day

A quote that many authors love to share is this: "Some days, those hours leave me with 2.000 words, other days with 200." ~ Dean Koontz

5. Write to discover your ideas
      A. Don't wait until you already know what it is you want to say.
           1. Writing=discovery
           2. You write your way though difficulties, not thinking your way through.

6. Write yourself a note at the end of each day's writing.
      A. What would you have written if you continued?
      B. Tell what comes next.
         Ex: Snippets of dialogue, brief descriptions

7. Read as much as you can. It will improve your writing.

8. Write down ideas as soon as they come to you.
      A. Keep an "Idea Journal"
      B. Place ideas on post-it notes
      C. Keep a small notebook with you

9. Ignore the market
      A. Don't pay attention to the business side of writing. This will hamper your writing through distractions.

10. Pay attention to the market
      A. There's a time to write
      B. There's a time to take on the other role.
          1. Edit your story.
          2. Involve yourself into critique groups or have a writing partner.
      C. Know the realities, but don't dwell on them.

11. Cultivate an "obsession" with your novel.
       A. Don't see it as a chore, but as an escape, a love.

12. Let God do in you what each book is supposed to do

13. Don't follow false deadlines
       A. Meet your deadlines, but unrealistic deadlines will hamper your writing.
       B. The amount of writing differs from person to person, so BE TRUE to yourself.

14. Don't waste time on envy of other writers.
       A. This is destructive. Your journey is not the same as other people.
       B. Interact with other writers.
           1. Relationships/friendships with other writers offer encouragement.
           2. And these friendships also provide a market base.
           3. It's a dual blessing!

And that's it.
These last 5 blog posts will not guarantee a bestseller, a large audience, or even publication. But what it can guarantee is a great novel written by you.

Hard work and perseverance is great. But prayer for guidance and love for writing is what is needed.

Follow these tips and remember: Never Quit Learning the Trade!

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